If we Have added some content that belongs to you or your organization by mistake, We are sorry for that. We apologize for that and assure you that this won’t be repeated in future. If you are the rightful owner of the content used in our Website, Please mail us your Name, Organization Name, Contact Details, Copyright infringing URL, and Copyright Proof (URL or Legal Document) at [email protected]

Note: We are not the right owner of these templates or capcut, all rights go to their respective owner, we are just promoting content.  

Important Note: This website is not connected with CapCut, and we do not pretend to be their official site or have any affiliation with them. Our main aim is to offer users convenient access to links and previews of CapCut Templates. We allow fair usage but cannot be held responsible for any legal issues if you use these templates for commercial purposes. If you have any concerns or objections about our website or its content, please get in touch with us. We’ll do our best to respond within 24-48 hours and take appropriate action if needed.

I assure you that, I will remove the infringing content Within 48 Hours.